How do you get along with people? Are you comfortable in a multicultural environment?

I will tell you a story. In my very first class of my university life, Dr. Ernest Starks, our history professor, was telling us a story. I do not recall the story except for one simple line. That line was, "money does not grow in trees". It was the sentence Dr. Starks' mom yelled at him when he used to be little extravagant. I never had the opportunity to interact and mix with people of other nationalities before I came to Texas A&M as all the students of my school were from my own country. I therefore used to think that people of other nations probably do not think like us. I was wrong. Because just like Dr. Stark's mom, my mom said that sentence "money does not grow in trees" many times. As my university life progressed and I communicated with people of many different nationalities, I discovered that despite the differences created by religion, nationality, ethnicity, color, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status, the commonalities among people easily outnumbers the differences. Irrespective of origin, most people share the same dreams and insecurities. I always keep that in mind. It encourages me as an engineer to do something that will benefit all humanity and it also helps me easily get along with people of any background.

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